TriVandruM to ErnaKulaM
Aug 2nd 2008
Its 5 o'clock in morning and I really need to catch 6:15 train to "Ernakulam" as its my friend's wedding. So a quick session in bathroom and instant dress up and off to station and yes, I made it in time for the one and only Jan shatabdi. Sigh another train journey, alone!
Now about traveling alone in train, well the most common thing which I do to kill time is music, which also happens to be a huge mood stimuli, resulting in day dreaming, pondering sweet and harsh moments in life and this is the part where we portrays a smile irrespective of to whom we are smiling at. Traveling alone can be both fun and boring. :)
Back to our journey, and today as usual for the first few moments I managed to surpass the vicious concept of time by admiring the natures beauty, the fast moving lanes, the backwaters and yes also eyeing at fellow passengers. Wish I could sleep, but no I couldn't. So its music time tadaa!, out came my "mobile with mp3". As a starters I choose my current favorite one "kahin to hogi woh", and in no time I fell into deep sleep :).
After a while, I happened noticed this girl beside me. In her red attire she does look pretty, accompanied with red eyes seldom wander. Can't say she cute or innocent but she did looked confident and the sensible one. As time passed we started to talk, don't know where it started. It just happened and in no time we were chit chatting like the ones who got lost at a local carnival 12 years back and destiny brought back as together, in short nothing like strangers! So there I was chatting with this red gorgeous but to my surprise I was feeling very sleepy [Yes how can I feel sleepy now, Darn me!]. No I ain't here to give up, so "coffee please" I yelled inside! and he came, yes GOD came as a bearer and handed me my life saver "the very own Indian railway coffee". I did offered one to my co-passenger, but "no". She's not a coffee person I suppose.
So we were talking [ I still don't get it, how the heck Am I talking this much to a stranger! The whole plot looked strange, I rarely talk to strangers!]. Time was doing its chores of running at deadly speed when all I want is just to freeze it and feel the moment for bit long.
Being with her I hardly noticed the time nor was aware where we have reached, had a quick peek outside just to realize we were about to reach Trivandrum [that's sad]. By this time my angel was sleeping, I woke her up with a heavy heart. The time has come for us to depart I said. I ain't person who believes in love at first sight, but am I? does she? I need to get her number!. Hey, so this is it we are leaving, now dont forget to give me your number, I asked with a cheesy smile [:D] and [*Toing*] she just nodded head with a sweet smile which clearly stated, "you ain't gonna get my number". Sigh! uhh then how about your email-id and to my surprise the same reply, same old smile and this time it wasn't that sweet for me!, seriously what the F is her problem. I really did feel the connection and this is how she responds?. Sigh there she was, my sweet red gorgeous angel leaving me [with background score "aage kya hoga ramji by Euphoria's" in my mind].
This is not fair [ * feels like a movie plot, may be that girl believes in faith or guess she thinks if we are meant to meet it will happen one day or another. May be girls are like this :P *]. Then out of nowhere I felt a stroke and got into reality ie I woke up and realized, I was still in train and part of she leaving was just a dream or did she got down some station before? Now its a man beside me, couldnt find her anywhere near in my coach. [:( heart broken I am, my angel in red, she left.].
It didn't end there, again I was hit by a stroke which dragged me into reality just to realize that I was part of wonderful dream. No there isn't any girl and I was not going to Trivandrum as in dream! [*some dream! phew! ) and as I woke up, the track "aage kya hoga ramji by Euphoria's" was playing in my mobile.
As you know dreams, which we feel like hours happens in matter of seconds. I was nowhere near to Ernakalum the journey has to continue.
The End
Aug 2nd 2008
Now about traveling alone in train, well the most common thing which I do to kill time is music, which also happens to be a huge mood stimuli, resulting in day dreaming, pondering sweet and harsh moments in life and this is the part where we portrays a smile irrespective of to whom we are smiling at. Traveling alone can be both fun and boring. :)
Back to our journey, and today as usual for the first few moments I managed to surpass the vicious concept of time by admiring the natures beauty, the fast moving lanes, the backwaters and yes also eyeing at fellow passengers. Wish I could sleep, but no I couldn't. So its music time tadaa!, out came my "mobile with mp3". As a starters I choose my current favorite one "kahin to hogi woh", and in no time I fell into deep sleep :).

So we were talking [ I still don't get it, how the heck Am I talking this much to a stranger! The whole plot looked strange, I rarely talk to strangers!]. Time was doing its chores of running at deadly speed when all I want is just to freeze it and feel the moment for bit long.
Being with her I hardly noticed the time nor was aware where we have reached, had a quick peek outside just to realize we were about to reach Trivandrum [that's sad]. By this time my angel was sleeping, I woke her up with a heavy heart. The time has come for us to depart I said. I ain't person who believes in love at first sight, but am I? does she? I need to get her number!. Hey, so this is it we are leaving, now dont forget to give me your number, I asked with a cheesy smile [:D] and [*Toing*] she just nodded head with a sweet smile which clearly stated, "you ain't gonna get my number". Sigh! uhh then how about your email-id and to my surprise the same reply, same old smile and this time it wasn't that sweet for me!, seriously what the F is her problem. I really did feel the connection and this is how she responds?. Sigh there she was, my sweet red gorgeous angel leaving me [with background score "aage kya hoga ramji by Euphoria's" in my mind].
This is not fair [ * feels like a movie plot, may be that girl believes in faith or guess she thinks if we are meant to meet it will happen one day or another. May be girls are like this :P *]. Then out of nowhere I felt a stroke and got into reality ie I woke up and realized, I was still in train and part of she leaving was just a dream or did she got down some station before? Now its a man beside me, couldnt find her anywhere near in my coach. [:( heart broken I am, my angel in red, she left.].
It didn't end there, again I was hit by a stroke which dragged me into reality just to realize that I was part of wonderful dream. No there isn't any girl and I was not going to Trivandrum as in dream! [*some dream! phew! ) and as I woke up, the track "aage kya hoga ramji by Euphoria's" was playing in my mobile.
As you know dreams, which we feel like hours happens in matter of seconds. I was nowhere near to Ernakalum the journey has to continue.
The End